AbrAlarm Wear Detection System
Reduce production downtime, costs and pollution
Plant and Equipment failure – WE UNDERSTAND THE PAIN
Plant and equipment failure due to unexpected leaks or discharge of materials within manufacturing, process and utility industries can lead to many problems including the discharge of products into the atmosphere, and contamination of the surrounding area & equipment resulting in loss of product.

Kingfisher’s AbrAlarm system eliminats such unforseen issues, by incorpoarting a wear resistant lining systems to protect process plant and equipment and enhance its service longevity.
AbrAlarm Wear Detection System Solution
AbrAlarm comprises of a low voltage electrical indicator that is integrated between the lining system and steel casing which when severed will display a fault signal when the lining has worn through.
Our Experience
Kingfisher have in excess of 30 years experience in combating the effects of plant degradation caused by the conveyance, storage or processing of bulk solids materials in a hydraulic, mechanical or pneumatic state of conveyance. Utilizing this experience gained along with technically proven protection systems, we can improve the performance of equipment that ensures that our customers can focus on operational up time in the knowledge that equipment is built to last.
Talk to us
Speak to Kingfisher today to discuss the best wear protection solution for your business and how we can better protect your plant and operations to keep you running efficiently.

Wear Protection
Kingfisher offer a full range of ceramic, metallic and polymer lining systems. With our experience protecting process plant and equipment in many industrial applications and the performance knowledge of the materials we provide we offer a totally unbiased solution for each individual application.